Saturday, February 22, 2020

Essay questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 20

Questions - Essay Example The agreements also meant that if a country was attacked, the allied states would offer defense against the war. Therefore, Austria-Hungarys declaration of war on Serbia marked the beginning of World War One as Russia moved in to defend Serbia a move that prompted Germany to declare war on Russia. Germany also attacked France through Belgium, and this also triggered the war with the Britons. Other allied states joined the war where the USA, Japan, and Italy entered the sides of their allies. Therefore, to this extent, the war has been blamed on the strong allies that encouraged a war atmosphere. The intelligence tests, Alpha and Army Beta tests became popular during the World War One as they were used to screen the army (Wynn, 343). The main purpose of the test was to offer the commanders with a chance and a quick method of testing the ability of their personnel or the junior army. History holds that the test was successful in testing and measuring verbal ability, the ability to follow directions, numerical ability, as well as knowledge information of the draftees. Besides, the Army Beta was a non-verbal tool that successfully evaluated the draftees on the levels of their literacy and was successful with the non-schooled as well as non-English speaking draftees and the volunteers. Therefore, the tests were administered on the draftees and helped the senior officers to identify the candidates who were capable of serving. On the other hand, the tests were also crucial for the classification of the draftees into various military jobs. Besides, history holds that the senior off icers also used the tests to select the individuals who had leadership traits to feel in the positions of the retired officers. Generally, the tests were actually effective in serving their purpose of testing verbal and non-verbal capabilities of the army draftees. The Great Depression happened

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Personal Philosophy of Success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Philosophy of Success - Essay Example After the accomplishment of all activities in plan, an individual can therefore count success by enjoying all what he/she has accomplished. In order to achieve success, an individual must come up with some strategies and plans. These strategies act as guidelines towards the achievement of success. Education is one of the major keys to success. Getting educated provides us with an opportunity to make critical decisions about our lives. It helps us to interact with different people and learn from each other. Education, to a great extend helps us, realize, accept and take full responsibilities of our lives (Rohn and Vic 34). My first strategy of success is to accept and take my responsibility in school. The realization of my responsibilities as a college student will become a good channel to my success. There are several activities that require special attentions within the school. Many of the activities performed in school are full determinants of my success. Reading extensively is my responsibility. This will give me a broader thinking that will enable me to handle difficult situations. It is my responsibility to make adequate preparations for my exams. This includes taking much time to study and revise for my exams. This will enable me to handle assignments with little difficulty and submit them in good time. My second strategy is on time management. In order to be successful in my collage life, I must manage my time properly. In order to achieve this, I will require preparing a timetable for my activities whereby.