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Lord of the Flies Analysis Essay - 1025 Words

Chris Sani Alexopoulos English 2 7th period October 2, 2012 Study of savagery through the novel Lord of the Flies â€Å"Isolation is a dream killer† (Barbara Sher). In the novel Lord of the Flies written by William Golding, kids stranded on an island must figure out how to survive. By hunting pigs and building shelters the kids tried to subsist on the island. Through the process of hunting, the kids became cruel, evolving to the point of being barbaric. Thus, through the barbaric actions of the boys and the outside world, Golding shows that savagery exists in all people. To begin, the barbaric actions of the boys, shows that savagery exists in all people. After the first successful hunt, the mock ceremony of Robert playing the pig†¦show more content†¦This teaches the other kids that in killing and hunting are just fun games. â€Å"[Ralph], they are going to hunt you tomorrow,† says one of the twins, and he tells Ralph, â€Å"Roger is sharpening a stick at both ends† (Golding 190). This final stage begins at the point where Jack plans on hunting Ralph. This hunt shows the full evolution of the kids into barbaric boys. The opaque idea of how kids could want to kill their own kind holds much gravity in it, something that their savagery obscures to the kids. Without even telling the details, Golding shows that throughout the whole book the unknown savagery from inside these kids is truly evolving in to the nightmare world. The fact that Roger even sharpens a stick at both ends shows Roger thinking that killing Ralph as a game bec ause of the savagery obscuring the kids. Many of the kids are blinded by savagery as they hunt for Ralph. Through the barbaric actions of Robert getting hurt by his friends, the ferocity shown as they murdered of the sow, and finally the hunt for Ralph, Golding shows that savagery exists in all people. In addition to the barbaric actions of the boys, which include Robert getting hurt, the murdering of the sow and the hunt for Ralph, Golding also shows us that savagery exists in all people through the effects of war in the outside world. The plane filled with kids â€Å"was [under attack],† and as Piggy looksShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Lord Of The Flies 889 Words   |  4 PagesRandall English-4 15 April 2016 LOTF Literary Analysis Stranded on an island, a group of boys have the choice to be civil or savage. In Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, British schoolboys are marooned on an island. They voted Ralph to be the leader in an effort to remake the culture that they had left behind, accompanied by the intelligent Piggy as counselor. 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