Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Lowering the Drinking Age Would Reduce Tragedies and...

Persuasive Speech Outline I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: Gordy Bailey, was an 18 year old freshman at the University of Colorado at Boulder, after being at the university for only one month he joined a fraternity and had to undergo initiation where he had to drink 10 gallons on alcohol in 30 minutes. After going through this Bailey was incapacitated and was left alone to die on a sofa at the Frat house because nobody called for help. The members of the Fraternity ceased to call for help because what they were doing was illegal and being done in secret. They were against their policy having alcohol in their frat house and were having these minors serve each other alcohol. B. Audience Relevance: We are all adults already and we†¦show more content†¦According to former president of Middeburry college John McCardell interviewed February 23, 2009 he believes this is unjust â€Å"Why don’t we trust these young adults to make the same kind of responsible decisions about alcohol that we believe them capable of making in the voting booth, in the jury box, on the battlefield.† Sub point B: Drinking under the influence is perhaps the most detrimental subject when it comes to lowering the drinking age. Many are scared that these 18 year olds will take the streets and cause horrific accidents but According to last accessed May 18th ,2014 ... twice as many 21-year-olds died in alcohol-related auto accidents as 18 year-olds.† Transition: Now that I have discussed the responsibilities that come with being 18 and how it is unfair to not possess the ability to consume alcohol I will discuss why the 21 year old drinking age is so dangerous. III. Main Point #2: Drinking becomes dangerous as it is performed behind closed doors. Sub point A: Binge drinking is perhaps the greatest problem caused by the 21 year old drinking age. Since it is illegal to drink under the age of 21 people who do, do it in secret and leave it unmonitored by other adults. This is especially popular among college students. According to the American Journal of Public Health, published by Georges C.Show MoreRelatedEssay on Lowering the Drinking Age 1011 Words   |  5 Pagesare facing the consequences of irresponsible drinking. Because of the issues caused by irresponsible drinking, the US government passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act in 1984 which raised the minimum drinking age to twenty-one to prevent drinking-related accidents and violence. Despite the intent of its passing, it was a counterproductive decision. Because of the higher age restriction, high school upperclassmen and college underclassmen see drinking as an exciting, rebellious act. 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